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In Times That Seem Dark, Genevieve’s Dream Brings Light

In the heart of a town where dreams take flight,

A carousel once turned, gleaming colors so bright.

Children’s laughter and music filled the air,

A joyous memory of a time without care.

Genevieve’s soul danced there, a child full of glee,

Her eyes sparkled with wild curiosity.

The horses and chariots in the vibrant array,

Invited her heart to a magical ballet.

But years took their toll, and the town moved along,

The carousel silenced; its beauty was gone.

Its absence left an emptiness, a profound longing,

It left her searching about,

And ever so quickly…

A piece of Genevieve’s heart could no longer be found.

Now, a dream has awakened, a whisper of the past,

A call to bring back the joy that will forever last.

The town stirs with a memory, a hope to renew,

A carousel’s return, a dream to pursue.

For Genevieve’s wish, it’s more than a ride; 

it’s a symbol of childhood, a love that won’t hide. 

With the return of the carousel and the glitter of its charm, 

A piece of her heart will return unharmed.

So let’s return her ride to her own center stage, 

Rekindle the magic, and turn a new page. 

The dream of the carousel’s not just for a child; 

It’s a symbol of hope, untamed and wild.

May the dream of the carousel fill our hearts anew, 

A joyous return for the old and the young too. 

A tribute to Genevieve for a wish come true, 

It is a carousel song, 

It’s her love that her Daddy must pursue.

May your Dream come true, my beautiful daughter; I love you.  

-Mike Robinson

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