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Genevieve’s Dream Is Back; She Deserves Her Carousel and More

I love this photo of Genevieve; it’s one of the first ones I ever took of her at the Park that once housed the Carousel she grew up riding, suddenly, a year after we met and I became “Daddy”, the ride was removed from Santa Barbara. Genevieve’s life has not been the same, or even close to it, sense. She carries 2 iPads with her everywhere she goes, toggling between videos of kids on their birthdays on Carousels all over the world. When she falls asleep, she goes into dreaming about them – but when she wakes up being limited verbal and severely autistic it’s not too pleasant. She wants to be on her ride, and now. 

Genevieve’s Dream is also a CBGa Tincture, a product line that has yet to be made after years of desire. The plan is to have it fund not only a carousel – but her life. Genevieve has extensive needs that state-covered insurance doesn’t help her with, she’s 20 years old and is the owner of her Trademark (TM), along with her Uncle David Uhalley, my partner in a Nanotechnology entity 

You know the old saying, it’s not the number of times you’ve been knocked down but how you get back up that will determine your future. Genevieve’s future relies on her conservators – her Mom and I. It’s a 24/7 job 365 days a year, she has a 1:1 aide that works with her nearly 40 hours a week as she’s our family’s best friend too and goes on outings with her – regardless of pay the people that truly love Genevieve are there for her. 

Momma spends so many nights on a couch in Genevieve’s room as she doesn’t sleep well, she’ll wake up from a Carousel Dream so worked up that the only way to calm her down is to use her natural extracts as well as have someone with her to keep company – as although she’s diagnosed with nonverbal autism – Genevieve has 100’s if not 1000’s of words and combinations. She loves to talk and interact with those she trusts and loves; she’s also known to stop and look with empathy at anyone upset or crying.

Genevieve is so sensitive to my feelings that she’ll pick up when I’m stressed or upset if I’m anywhere around her, so I work in an office on the opposite side of the home so she can’t hear me trying to get her brand made, her dream created, and her life funded. 

Today, after 4 months of trying to get her brand made through an entity I thought I owned part of, I found out just how cruel this world can be.  

Spring and most of the summer have been so chaotic for my family due to this happening, you simply can’t trust ANYONE in business without a contract.  

What I’ve learned is a very simple lesson in a very hard time while I’m fighting Cancer again but it looks like I’m headed towards remission after the past year of battling. As a 3 time Cancer Survivor, this isn’t my first rodeo. I met Genevieve while in that triple cancer battle, as a compassion patient giving away cannabis oils all around the nation, not thinking I’d survive. Read the Cannabis Love Story, and learn more.

To make Genevieve’s Dream should be an honor, a privilege, and something done to better the world. If it’s being done to profit with the cheapest possible extracts on hand, that’s not the gig, but that’s exactly what an entity wanted us to do. 

Tonight Genevieve’s Dream came back to life, and for a very good reason – her mom wanted it to.


If you have good ethics, have the ability to mass produce for the global market, and aren’t looking to take advantage of Cannabis patients, 

Reach out and let’s talk, I’m taking things slow and want video conferences. 

I want to meet people in person – at least by video, I want to feel their energy.

Genevieve’s Dream is so positive and filled with love, that we need a beautiful caring Dream Team to make this happen.

Mike Robinson, Genevieve’s Daddy  

“I’m different, not less” -Temple Grandin

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